Hi, I'm Bulut
a Full-Stack Developer

Bulut Yerli profileProfile image of Loki

After working in the corporate aviation sector for 12 years, I completed my childhood dream of studying computer programming and completely changed my career.

Now, as a full-stack developer, I continue to learn new things every day and improve my skills. By the way, my biggest source of motivation is our cat, .


    patilerce.com screenshot


    A pet adoption website featuring listings, community forums, breed information, and messaging features.

    workwise screenshot


    A company management system with role-based user access, graphical reports, and additional features.

    nuvola coffee shop screenshot

    nuvola coffee shop

    Developed an e-commerce application with Next.js for a coffee roasting company.

    freelance projects.

    denizweber.com screenshot


    Developed a portfolio website with Next.js, TailwindCSS & Sanity for a book translator

    denizweber.photography screenshot


    Developed a photographer portfolio with Next.js, TailwindCSS & Sanity

    tugasyaslan.com screenshot


    A portfolio website for a YouTube story teller. Developed with Next.js, TailwindCSS & Sanity